Friday, May 20, 2005


Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Review (Warning: Spoilers Ahead)

I'm sure most people would have watched it by now, if not by this long weekend. I bought the tickets 10 days earlier and still had to content with being in the fifth row from the front in Lido, with all other cinemas on Orchard Road overbooked. (Though somehow they left tickets for an earlier screening a day before for late bandwagon hoppers like Lip. Looks like only buggers get all the luck.)

Warning: Please do not continue if you do not wish to read any spoilers of the movie.

Action scenes are fantastic. I shall say that again. Wow. I don't ever think any other Sci-Fi movie comes close. Lightsaber duels can only get more exciting and nail-biting and awesome, inspires you to become a Jedi just for the chance to wield what must be the coolest weapons in popular culture (no, those things they sell as "Lightsabers" are still amateurish attempts, even with the gradual lighting up and 12 type of sounds to match the actions). The battle scenes between droids and V-wings and everything else are unbelievable. Even an ordinary everyday scene on Coruscant the Republic capital is dazzling. We should replicate those skylines some time.

And they really did a great job of tying up all the loose ends and inconsistencies, like how Darth Vader lost his body, how Palpatine became all gnarled and gnome-like, how Luke and Leia were separated and that Vader only suspected the existence of Luke, how the only Jedi there seemed to be left from Episode IV onwards were Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, how Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda knew some form of immortality (from Qui-Gon Jinn?), how C-3PO and R2-D2 didn't recognise Tatooine when they landed on it again in Episode IV, etc etc. And they even found time to introduce Chewbacca!

No ridiculous love dialogues between Anakin Skywalker and Padmé like in Episode II; George Lucas can't write romance for nuts. No slapstick jokes involving Jar Jar Binks like in Episode I; in fact, he only had a cameo near the end. No frivolous storylines like in Episode I, though if they managed to tank this most anticipated and familiar episode with such storylines, they'd deserve an award.

Awesome music by John Williams. Can't wait to hear the soundtrack.

Dialogue could improve. By a lot.

That said, I do think that Anakin succumbed to the Dark Side too fast and too easily. Maybe there were too many plotlines they had to fit into one movie, but I think building up and expanding on that one most important plot would have been worth it.

Favourite Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi (of course), Padmé
Favourite Non-Human Characters: R2-D2, General Grievious
Favourite Scene: Yoda walked in on Palpatine , the guards tried to stop him and with just a gesture from him they both fell dead.
Favourtie Soundbite: "Failed I have." - Yoda

All in all, I'd say good job by George Lucas. Fitting end to the Star Wars saga. May be the best of all Star Wars movies, except maybe Episode V.

Wonder if anyone will decide to make Episode VII? Or any of the in-between episodes? Will it be the same without George Lucas steering?

Trivia: It is quite common knowledge that James Earl Jones was the voice of Darth Vader, and some know Yoda as Frank Oz, but do you know who is behind C-3PO, R2-D2 and Chewbacca? (without referring to a cast page, of course)

i cant wait to see it, can you belive people waited for like 5 weeks in line for it though?
hello adam.

i forgot the name, but i know the actor has been around for a long long time (All 6 movies infact)

and lightsabers are just electromagnetic sounds made by two electromagnetic rings. damn
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Actually, C-3PO and R2-D2 are the only characters to appear in all 6 movies, not counting Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, who can be said to be 2 different characters. Palpatine/Darth Sidious and Yoda come close at 5 (they didn't appear in Episode IV). Obi-Wan Kenobi was only present as a voice in Episode V and most of Episode VI until he had a brief appearance at the end with Yoda and a returned-to-the-light Anakin Skywalker.
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