Wednesday, May 18, 2005



Diaries used to be private yet now, blogging is so public and has become a culture. Ha. It's wonderful having a class blog... My sec sch class has 1 too ( It makes you feel connected somehow.

It's the starting of the 2nd week of my 10-week professional attachment... I'm now working in an audit unit at one of the big 4 firms. Being an intern at a big 4 firm seems prestigious but the work seemly bores me to tiredness. I could be so tired stoning and staring at the computer for long hours that I slept at 8pm on the 2nd day of work straight till the next morning. Reality is always far from ideal. It's off-peak period now so there isn't much things I can do...can surf net all the time...not bad actually. I was stucked in the office until today when I finally visited a client with a senior. Despite being at the client's office, there was still nothing for me to do except chit-chat, slack and 'act' busy in the auditors' room. Haha. Shall wait and see how things go in the next few days...high possibility that I've less time to slack then...

actually, i always thought interns have nothing to do. because management doesn't plan out the internships properly hehe.

enjoy your slacking time while "acting" and welcome to the working world..

not that i'm in it yet. hee
hehe at least can slack and "chao keng" now while u can. sort of.
better enjoy slacking now b4 u start work man! :)
hey zhenying, wad's your email? i'll add you:) and zining, i made you admin so u can add all the gals in the class yeah?
does remind me of some days in army haha.

it's inevitable sometimes that all the work passes by you... feels like shit sometime... makes you think is there anything innovative i can do, or anything i can help with that won't bother anyone.

that's why some interns end up becoming famous...'s quite sickening doing those sai gang...but I'm still in luck ;) Even being on a job (visiting clients) with the seniors is slacking... Outside the office, I can really skive off with a longer than usual lunchbreak with the seniors yet still charge the extra time to client. I'm beginning to love my work more and more now. Haha. Unfortunately, another intern in my unit spent 5 hrs sticking 650 stamps on 650 envelopes yesterday! She's so pissed off - not as if she's working at singpost. haha

thks lip. No wonder my start-up pg looks diff now. I'll try to add them in. :)
Keep up the good work »
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