Saturday, June 17, 2006


Jianrong in Frankfurt

Met up with JR yesterday, who dumped himself at my place for a night because his coach to Amsterdam leaves at 6 am. Nice meeting up again bro, it's been a long time.

Which reminds me, I haven't seen ANYONE at all since... Forever. So I'm really missing everyone and wanting to catch up. I'm guilty too, for not talking much on MSN with everyone.

Sylvia is coming to Europe too, and so is Maria, soon:). I hope everyone is getting on fine, and the bettors are winning a bit of money.

Speaking of which, it's Frankfurt am Main Stadion today for Portutal VS Iran. and the Iranian friends are CRAZY. Really really really Crazy.

Which makes for a nice atmosphere really.

P.S. We caught the Mexico- Angola Match at the Main River. JR has pictures. Do post them dude.



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