Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Little Laughing Matters - JR's council publicity stunt

hmm... this is my first time posting pics, so hope nothing will screw up. in any case, lip / any other admin can help me clear up the mess.

found a few interesting pics of JR while archiving my comp - no not that i like him in that way (not in that way) - but anyway i was wondering whether any of u guys remember how jr campaigned for council using virtually ZILCH funds? From writing only his name on the transparencies, to putting up sequential lame-shit posters at the pillars near the squash courts??? WELL.... here are the photos, all taken in my bedroom with trembling hands and a cramping stomach -

dunno who to vote for in council?

dunno who to vote for in council?

fret not!

fret not!

cos its gonna be me

cos its gonna be me

vote for the people's champion

vote for the people's champion

And mp3 file transfer peer-to-peer via MSN messenger is piracy, so don't vandalise, don't do drugs and don't share your downloaded music.

was this in army? how come his hair is like that?
nono... when he publicizing for council... the time where everyone was giving sweets and little presents....
I really appreciate u putting up such handsome pics of me
lol. thank god i didn't run with u sia
oh my gosh. those were the good ol' embarassing days of ours weren't they? amazing. ;)
awwww!!! nice old memories. can't forget how stunned and happy we were to hear that jianrong really got voted in!!
btw i remember huili sang "my heart will go on" for her campaign... compare the diff in effort! haha=)
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