Sunday, July 24, 2005

that's not the great wall, i'm mistaken. seeing how everyone's so interested in satellite imagery (okay, maybe us geeks), and that we never got to do it because we didn't do geog, there's another site which belongs to the people who own the satellites, or got them into space.

You can search great wall and voila you'll see why I'm wrong and why using google's puny imagery you can never find it, you need the city level imagery that they have, besides, in order to resolve things from satellite it's a careful mix of colour and time of day and then you can resolve things like shadows and such. It's interesting cause there's a greater range of colours and techniques used to show environmental processes like flooding, fault lines, and generally how we're screwing up the world, which was why the site was set up in the first place. it doesn't have the organisation of google's earth view though.

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