Tuesday, March 07, 2006
*enthusiastically waves*
How's everyone doing? Can we have some updates? I know Jianrong went to England to meet the English dudes over Dec, are you back in Germany yet dude? Which Uni?
Zhenliang and Kev going off to Germany right:)? That one we'll settle ourselves. I'll be doing my internship in Germany come summer, so that'll be great:) can meet up again.
Jeff? Wassup? Haven't been chatting to you lately. Actually, I haven't been chatting to ANYBODY, whyyy. haha. Because I'm busy with Beauty World that's why lol.

Ms. Wong is in China liao. Jenny has kindly provided us with her Email addy on the side bar on tagboard, so please do email her.
I know Maria is going to get MARRIED!!! right right right? Ok nvm, spreading a bit of gossip never hurts.
How about the rest? Please updates:)
Meanwhile, I'll just post a few pics.

*enthusiastically waves*
How's everyone doing? Can we have some updates? I know Jianrong went to England to meet the English dudes over Dec, are you back in Germany yet dude? Which Uni?
Zhenliang and Kev going off to Germany right:)? That one we'll settle ourselves. I'll be doing my internship in Germany come summer, so that'll be great:) can meet up again.
Jeff? Wassup? Haven't been chatting to you lately. Actually, I haven't been chatting to ANYBODY, whyyy. haha. Because I'm busy with Beauty World that's why lol.

Ms. Wong is in China liao. Jenny has kindly provided us with her Email addy on the side bar on tagboard, so please do email her.
I know Maria is going to get MARRIED!!! right right right? Ok nvm, spreading a bit of gossip never hurts.
How about the rest? Please updates:)
Meanwhile, I'll just post a few pics.